+40 374 926 252 office@balluff.com.ro

Sisteme vision si identificare optica

Industrial-grade image processing for quality inspection

The requirements for modern production systems are high: Highly productive and flexible – for maximum quality. Our Balluff Vision Solutions BVS image processing devices are designed to meet these requirements.

They reliably detect error, check the quality and are suitable for reliable reading and verifying codes. To the functions of the detection of objects, 1D and 2D barcodes and the detection of plain text. The sensors are extremely flexible.

Balluff Vision Solutions are used both in part checking during assembly and in part tracking during production. With standardized interfaces the units can be easy to integrate and operate.

Machine vision

For maximum flexibility and efficiency in automated quality assurance.

Optical identification

Reliably read codes in production and logistics.


Imbunatatim competivitatea clientilor nostri pe termen lung, oferindu-le perspective noi prin pasiunea noastra pentru automatizare.


Adresa: Str. Industriilor 56, Bl. 1, Et. 1, Bucuresti, sector 3
Telefon: +40 374 926 252
E-mail: office@balluff.com.ro